Early Sponsors
Claire Weisz
Erleen Hatfield
Forest City Realty Trust
Jacquiline Zehner
Jane Chmielinski
John Carey
Leers Weinzapfel Associates
Marion White
Mary-Jean Eastman
Nancy Alexander
Roger Williams University
Ronette Riley
Susan Mitchell-Ketzes
Susan Rodriguez
Wanda Bubriski
Pioneer Sponsors
Alice Constance Austin: Jill Lerner, FAIA
Florence Knoll Bassett: Renee Charles
Louise Blanchard Bethune: Kelly Hayes McAlonie, AIA
Jane West Clauss: Sanders Pace Architecture and The University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design
Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter: Women of FXFOWLE
Natalie Griffin de Blois: Marilyn Jordan Taylor, FAIA
Ray Kaiser Eames: Marion Weiss, FAIA
Elsa Mandelstamm Gidoni: Despina Stratigakos
Marion Mahony Griffin: Jennifer Sage, FAIA and Sara Caples, AIA
Ada Louise Huxtable: Women of FXFOWLE
Sibyl Moholy-Nagy: Architecture Research Office
Theodate Pope: Christina Davis
Eleanor Raymond: Leers Weinzapfel Associates
Denise Scott Brown: Ronald Evitts Architect LLC
Norma Merrick Sklarek: Women of FXFOWLE
Cloethiel Woodard Smith: LandDesign, Inc. and Madlen Simon
Anne Tyng: Susan T. Rodriguez Architecture
Beverly Ann Willis: Kristi Ambrosetti and Wanda Bubriski
This project also received significant support from Art Works, a grants program of the National Endowment of the Arts.